St. Peter’s U.C.C., Kiel, WI

9 a.m. Sunday Worship, Office Hours: Mondays 8:30-12:30, Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

St. Peter’s U.C.C., Kiel, WI

9 a.m. Sunday Worship, Office Hours: Mondays 8:30-12:30, Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

St. Peter’s U.C.C., Kiel, WI

9 a.m. Sunday Worship, Office Hours: Mondays 8:30-12:30, Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.


Breeze Online

Click the button below to navigate to the St. Peter's U.C.C., Kiel, Breeze Online Membership site

The Lamplighter

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Worship Cancellations

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes, depending on the weather, we need to cancel our Worship services.  Check out the list below to get up to date information.

WBAY, Green Bay, Ch 2 (ABC)

WFRV, Green Bay, Ch 5 (CBS)

WLUK, Green Bay, Ch 11 (FOX)

NBC26, Green Bay, Ch 26 (NBC)

WTMJ, Milwaukee, Ch 4 (NBC)

WISN, Milwaukee, Ch12 (ABC)

WCUB, Manitowoc, 980 AM

WHBL, Sheboygan, 1330 AM

WJUB, Plymouth, 1420 AM
You can also check out our Facebook page for current information.
On days when our Worship service is cancelled, we still offer a live virtual Worship event.  You may access the service on the YouTube channel.

2024 Consistory Members

Fitz Fitzpatrick (President)
Jodi Odekirk (Secretary)
Jacki Plagemann (Vice-President)
Carrie Guell
Pam Klotz
Judy Meiselwitz
Marian Schneider
Nathan Bortz
Jayden Richter
Robert Carlson
Lisa Gottsacker
Paul Thibeault