The meeting began with Devotions.
Secretary minutes approved
Benevolent report and Treasurer reports given.
It was brought up having a special offering for Ukraine victims and if Benevolent would match the amount collected. It was approved.
Staff and Ministry Team reports:
Rev. Jim – Discussed the protocol for adults working with children and the safety factors in place for both children and adults.
Abundance – Lenten Wednesday service will begin. It will be a causal, interactive service.
Writing notes to church family members has resumed.
Building & Grounds – A boiler has failed with a cracked heat exchanger. David was given authorization to replace it.
Christian Education/Scholarship – Palms were ordered. Youth Sunday is May 1.
Music – The music team purchased microphones for use with the bell choir. Mendelsohn choir is anticipated to resume in fall.
The other ministry teams had nothing to report.
All pews will be opened to everyone. Anyone with covid safety concerns can contact a consistory member and arrangements can be made for them.
Donations of baked goods are needed for coffee hour after both services on Easter Sunday.
The shelter was reserved for Picnic in the Park on June 29.
The next Consistory meeting is April 12, 2022 at 6:30pm.
The meeting was adjourned and ended with the Lord’s Prayer.The Consistory at their March meeting decided to eliminate the “Mask Only Area” of the sanctuary. If you have a question please contact a Consistory Member.
Summary of Consistory Meeting on March 8, 2022