The meeting began with Devotions.
Secretary minutes approved
Benevolent report and Treasurer reports given.
Rev. Jim’s contract was to expire April 30. It was renewed.
Staff and Ministry Team reports:
Rev. Jim – Discussed the protocol for adults working with children and the safety factors.
A Thank You was expressed to all who participated in the Wednesday Lenten services. They were well received and joyful to attend. Rev Jim and Allen Utecht will represent St Peters at the WI Conference in June.
Abundance – Cards will be put out for members to sign for members hospitalized.
Building & Grounds – An anonymous donation of $1000 was given to cover the remaining cost of replacing the boiler. Sunday, April 24th will be Blue Jean Sunday. Casual work clothes can be worn to church. Immediately following the worship service, everyone is invited to help with paver removal from the courtyard. May 7 is Spring Cleaning at the church. It will begin at 8:30am. Piano recitals will take place in the church on May 14. A new Building Use Agreement was reviewed and approved. It included Child Safety Protocols.
Christian Education/Scholarship – No Sunday School on Easter Sunday. An Easter Egg Hunt will follow the 9:00 service. They would like to purchase a large screen, smart tv to mount in the basement for use during Sunday School.
The other ministry teams had nothing to report.
A sign-up board will soon be in the lounge for Picnic in the Park to be held, June 29. Food donations and workers will be needed. German potato salad will be served that day.
Association delegates will be Rev. Jim, Allen Utecht, and Sue Balz Verzal.
St. Peters will be included in the Thrivent Choice Program to receive donations.
Daphne Achter requested to sell blue and gold ribbons in church with proceeds to help Ukraine.
The Cherry Tree garage sale will be May 20 and 21 in the church basement.
The next Consistory meeting is May 11, 2022 at 6:30pm.
The meeting was adjourned and ended with the Lord’s Prayer.