The meeting began with Devotions.
Secretary minutes approved
Benevolent report and Treasurer reports given.
Staff and Ministry Team reports:
Rev. Jim’s commented on Sunday School completion and Confirmation.
Abundance – The last bunch of note cards to members will be sent.
Building & Grounds – Thank you to all who helped in the courtyard and spring clean up.
Piano recitals taking place in May. Wall plaster repair has started.
Christian Education/Scholarship – Sunday School is in recess until fall.
The other ministry teams had nothing to report.
A different version of communion cups will be used when the current ones are used up.
Discussion was held over duties for Picnic in the Park. Event to be held on June 29. Food donations and workers will be needed.
The Cherry Tree garage sale will be May 20 and 21 in the church basement.
The next Consistory meeting is June 14, 2022 at 6:30pm.
The meeting was adjourned and ended with the Lord’s Prayer.