Meeting called to order. All present except Nathan Bortz.
Benevolent report and Treasurer’s Reports were given.
Minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.
Pastor Nicole gave her report. She thanked everyone for their work during Holy Week. She reported on the activities of the Confirmation kids and their families, upcoming communion classes, Children’s Sunday, her retreat at Moon Beach, VBS, etc.
There were no reports from the Abundance, Audit, or Benevolence team Reps. The Buildings and Ground reported on closing procedures, scheduling a meeting with the new police chief, updating windows, pest control, etc.
The Christian Ed team announced three applications for our scholarships.
Endowment, Finance team Reps had nothing to report but the HR team reported that our job descriptions were outdated and needed to be reviewed.
The Membership team rep reported that a letter was created to send non-giving members. The Memorial team rep reported that two memorials have been given over the last month.
The Mission, Music, Nominating and Pastoral Relations team reps had nothing to report.
New Business: Ministry team updates, Picnic in the Park organizing has begun, discussion of a second worship service every week, discussed attending a Timber Rattlers game, could other use our ZOOM for meetings, Tammie was given permission to use the Fellowship Hall for the rummage sale.
Next meeting on May 8th.’
Meeting adjourned.