Summary of Consistory Meeting on January 10, 2023
The meeting began with Devotions.
Secretary minutes approved
Benevolent report and Treasurer reports given. Next year’s budgets were approved to present at the annual meeting.
Staff and Ministry Team reports:
Fundraisers will be discussed with confirmation students and their parents. A mission trip to St Louis is being planned for June. Discussion on confirmation classes and Lenten services on Wednesdays. There has been a request for a high school youth group. Friendship pads will be put in pews.
Abundance — will meet Sunday to discuss ice carving.
Audit – will meet in preparation for the annual meeting.
Building & Grounds – Future projects include sprucing up some rooms in church.
Human Resources – there will be a letter in the annual report.
Nomination – Several members have agreed to be candidate for Consistory
Bulletin sponsor fee will increase to $20. Annual meeting agenda was approved. Profit in 2022 for Scrip was $1614.72. A brat fry was discussed during ice carving. Consistory members would run with help from confirmation students to raise money for St. Louis trip. Concern on the amount of time children have in Sunday School and how they can have more time for lessons and activities. A/V equipment needs upgrade. Discussion to have CPR class offered. Have an exit plan in place for Sunday School in case of fire, tornado, etc.
The next Consistory meeting is February 21, 2023 at 6:30pm.
The meeting was adjourned and ended with the Lord’s Prayer.