St. Peter’s United Church of Christ Scholarship
Deadline to apply April 1
Submit to: (Scholarship Committee Chair) or the church office
St. Peter’s UCC, Kiel, WI is offering a minimum of one $750 scholarship. Eligible applicants
must plan to attend a post-secondary program and be a participating member of our church.
The scholarship recipient will have up to two years to claim the award by providing a transcript
showing successful completion of at least one semester.
First M.I. Last
City: Zip Code:
Phone: Email:
High School Attended: Year:
Post-Secondary School (i.e. College):__
Write a paragraph about your educational plans.:
How have you participated at St. Peter’s?:
List the activities in which you have been involved:
Write a paragraph describing your definition of “Christian Character”:
Final selections and awards will be determined by the St. Peter’s UCC Scholarship Committee.
Recipients will be notified and asked to participate in a presentation during a Sunday worship service.
A $750 check will be mailed to the recipient upon successful completion of their first semester of
post-secondary education. Recipients are responsible for notifying the church after completing their
first semester by submitting a grade report to the church office in the care of the Scholarship