HERE THEY ARE 9/11/22 Search Committee unanimously elects Rev. Nicole Herda to be presented to the Consistory as their pick to be our next Settled Pastor. 9/13/22 Consistory votes unanimously to present to the congregation Rev. Nicole Herda as their pick for our next Settled Pastor. 9/17/22 Rev. Nicole and her family will be attending Oktoberfest. Come and meet them! 9/18/22 Rev. Nicole Herda is presented to the congregation to be voted on for our next Settled Pastor. 9/25/22 Rev. Nicole Herda is introduced to the congregation at a Meet and Greet (with heavy snacks and after the Sunday service) to be voted on as our next Settled Pastor. 10/2/22 The congregation assembles after Sunday Service, to vote on calling Rev. Nicole Herda to be our next Settled Pastor. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! |