The meeting began with Devotions.
Secretary minutes approved
Benevolent report and Treasurer reports given.
Staff and Ministry Team reports:
Rev Jim talked about the start of Confirmation classes and how they will go forward with a Settled Pastor. The Search Committee was thanked for all their work to find a Pastor.
Abundance – Oktoberfest is set for Saturday.
Building & Grounds – Security camera options are being discussed. Lawn sculpture was approved.
Weather cancellation notice list is being updated.
Membership – Working on postcard design and mailing list.
Memorial – Will ask for funds to purchase security cameras.
Music – Choirs resuming pre-covid schedule.
The other ministry teams had nothing to report.
The Search Committee unanimously recommended Nicole Herda as their candidate for Pastor.
Dates were set for a September 25th meet and greet with her and congregational vote after her church service on October 2nd, to accept her as Pastor.
The next Consistory meeting is October 11, 2022 at 6:30pm.
The meeting was adjourned and ended with the Lord’s Prayer.